JPDA Vacant Acreage 2007
Beyond the eight operating PSC areas in the JPDA much prospective acreage remains open or vacant awaiting assessment by interested exploration companies. Included in the vacant area is the Kelp Deep Permian gas discovery made by Mobil Oil in 1998. Significant hydrocarbon shows have also been encountered in other wells within this area.
Recent seismic acquisition and reprocessing undertaken in the Timor Sea in 2005 focused on the Timor Trough and its southern flanks including the JPDA. New 2D seismic data were acquired and over 6,000 km of existing 2D seismic data was reprocessed to provide the best quality seismic images.
JPDA 2005 Seismic Project
Numerous seismic anomalies have already been identified at Jurassic and other geological levels in the new seismic data, especially in the deeper water areas in the north of the JPDA.
JPDA Seismic Map
Several indicate large prospects which could contain major gas-condensate accumulations.
The TSDA is actively promoting oil company interest in these vacant areas and a renewed acreage release is planned for the near future.